Infrastructure Smart ClassIn the present times, knowledge cannot confine to textbooks. We are part of a world where education goes beyond school books. APS International School comprehends the current trends and believes in leaving no stones unturned to educate its learners in all areas.
We realise the worth of electronically supported learning and teaching. We have information and communication systems to assist learning.
Hence, our classrooms are equipped with digital aids powered by Next Education having great content in well designed modules for all classes and all subjects

Story time session
We make children learn through visual content and images that help them to directly connect to the thoughts and understand things better.
Sharing and Caring
A Child is made to learn basic values such as caring and sharing. Interactive sessions are taken up to develop the communication and interacting skills at an early stage.
Sand play
This program helps in developing the fine motor skills in a child. It develops a search behavior in the child and drives him towards the feeling of excitement.