General School Rules

  • The academic session is from April to March.
  • A student may be expelled from the school for irregular attendance, misbehaviour, and disobedience or for using unfair means in examinations.
  • Any willfull damage done to the school property will be made good by the concerned parent/guardian.
  • School authorities are in no way responsible for the loss of any expensive item brought by the student in the campus.
  • The parents/guardians are not allowed to see students or interview teachers during the class hours.
  • Discipline and decent behaviour are given due importance inside and outside school campus. Every student is expected to obey the teachers and follow the rules and regulations of the school.
  • Use of preface words, insulting language or immoral behavior will be considered a serious offence that can amount to the student's expulsion from the school.
  • Unauthorized absence from the school shall be considered as a serious misconduct and strong disciplinary action shall be taken against the defaulting student.
  • Use a mobile phone is strictly prohibited on school campus.