Innovative Assembly

line up, fold their hands together to sing out the prayers and Hymns enlightening their religious vistas. Classwise Assembly Presentation is promoted in which the students come up roll number wise to read out the news, pledge, a moral thought, views on a topic, G.k. questions and Amazing facts.
Vocabulary Enrichment is an important integral of Morning Assembly . Each day a new word is given to the students with its meaning . They have to memorise it and the next day they are asked to tell the word , its meaning and frame a sentence for it. Credit points are awarded to children who participate in Assembly , as a motivation. Birthday Celebration of children during Assembly is also an important feature of the school.

Any child having a Birthday is given a card from the school and everyone sings a Birthday Song for the child. Special Assembly is organized on specific days e.g. Labour Day, Earth Day, World Aids Day, etc to create an awareness among the students.