CCE Approach

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refer to a system of school-based evaluation of students that covers all aspects of students' development. To make it 'continuous' regularity of assessment, frequency of unit testing, diagnosis of learning gaps, use of corrective measures, retesting and feed back of evidences to teacher and students for their self-evaluation is provided.
The 'Comprehensive' facet of the evaluation covers both the scholastic and co-scholastic aspects of students growth and develpment. Scholastic domain incorporates four formative assessment and two summative assessment (Term Exams) for which grades are iven formative assessment are carried out in the form of Unit Test, oral questioning, projects, quizzes, field visits, assignment and group discussions.
Assessment of co-scholastic areas is done using CCE performa which assessment in life skills, co-curricular, attitudes and values is done on the basic of indicators of assessment, portfolios and check lists.